Delgado began her career as a journalist for NBC, CBS, Univision and Telemoundo, among others, and covered presidential coups, elections, the Olympics, both Iraq wars and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. She has written for NPR, Vogue, NBC, and created, wrote, and developed the sitcom Great in Bed for HBO Latin America. She won an Emmy for her series "Madres en la Lehanía" about the plight of mothers who leave their children to come to the U.S. to work as undocumented nannies.

You can read Shelf Awareness Book Brahmin's interview with Delgado, and an excerpt from The Clairvoyant of Calle Ocho is online at Squarespace. You can learn more at her website. She will be among those reading at the FIU alumni Writers on the Bay celebration at Books and Books in Coral Gables, Sunday, September 14th at 4 PM, and will return to the bookstore for a book launch on Oct. 17th. Store owner Mitchell Kaplan should be on hand to explain how he feels about his role as a character in the novel.